#50: No plans

I think you all know, at least in theoretical terms, how awesome today’s awesomeness is.

I’m not doing anything today.

I’m not going to work.

I’m not seeing anyone (unless it happens spontaneously).

I’m not doing any exercise.

I’m not even cooking dinner (I have leftovers prepped).

It’s startlingly complicated to prepare for a day of nothingness. I’m proud to have done it. Please do play along at home, if only for an hour.

Here’s some things to get you appreciating the nothingness.

This article is safe, but the blog is PG or so for mentioning unpleasant things every so often.


http://geekologie.com is just great. I dunno what the rating is – I’d guess PG or G.

For inspiration, try Donald Miller (PG for frequent Christian stuff), eg this post: http://donmilleris.com/2010/04/30/if-youre-life-were-a-movie/

Finally, the not-PG-but-generally-positive-with-a-bit-of-metalish-horror-etc Steff Metal post that’s influenced so many blog entries here (this entry is G):


I also just stumbled across a rather long but interesting article on why there is Christian fantasy, but very little Jewish fantasy. It’s child-safe, and it’s here: http://www.jewishreviewofbooks.com/publications/detail/why-there-is-no-jewish-narnia

The best part is this opening paragraph, which made my day:

Although it might seem unlikely that anyone would wonder whether the author of The Lord of the Rings was Jewish, the Nazis took no chances. When the publishing firm of Ruetten & Loening was negotiating with J. R. R. Tolkien over a German translation of The Hobbit in 1938, they demanded that Tolkien provide written assurance that he was an Aryan. Tolkien chastised the publishers for “impertinent and irrelevant inquiries,” and—ever the professor of philology— lectured them on the proper meaning of the term: “As far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects.” As to being Jewish, Tolkien regretted that “I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.”

Today’s geekologie robot-ish pic:

Published by Felicity Banks Books

I write books (mainly adventure fantasy for kids and young adults), real-time twittertales, and a blog of Daily Awesomeness. @Louise_Curtis_ and http://twittertales.wordpress.com. My fantasy ebook is on sale at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/278981.

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