“Temeraire” by Naomi Novik

Welcome to a new series (new to my reviews, anyhow): the Napoleonic wars. . . with dragons.

This is a brilliant, well-written series that is often funny. Peter Jackson has optioned the film rights (although he’s a little busy right now). Personally, I read it over and over.

The rest of the review is at Comfy Chair, where I get paid for it.

Published by Felicity Banks Books

I write books (mainly adventure fantasy for kids and young adults), real-time twittertales, and a blog of Daily Awesomeness. @Louise_Curtis_ and http://twittertales.wordpress.com. My fantasy ebook is on sale at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/278981.

13 thoughts on ““Temeraire” by Naomi Novik

    1. W: Ooh, thank you. I entirely forgot that. Do you know if it’s a different country, different name thing? Or just different print runs?

      1. It’s a country thing. I think it’s HMD here and T is the American title (the same way that it’s Northern Lights here and The Golden Compass in the US – the first book gets the series name).

    1. Ann: Certainly. We own them all, and I’ll be getting the next one out for mothers’ day. I’ll avoid spoilers as much as I can 🙂

    2. I like them too. They’re very good, though I wasn’t impressed with the most recent one (that is, the one released a year ago, not the one that’s coming out very soon).

      1. W: Thanks

        You didn’t like the Australian one? It was quite different, it’s true. Very much a “the whole country is trying to kill you” rather than “we are in a battle now”. It certainly doesn’t make Australia sound like a nice place, either culturally or naturally.

      2. No, I didn’t like it as much as the others. I agree with the primary criticism that other people had, that it was mostly just things happening, and not much in the way of plot advancement. That said, when I say I wasn’t impressed, it doesn’t mean I thought it was terrible. It’s still quality reading.

      3. W: Agreed. It does still have a fundamental plot: get the egg. But more battles is more better. The one battle there was was incredible though.

    1. Bonnee: Indeed. I would LOVE to see this series on the big screen. Fingers still crossed for the future.

    1. CJ: I really like the visual combination of ships and dragon, although taken individually I don’t think they’re as good as they could be (for instance, which direction is the wind coming from?)

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