#186: What’s in the box? Part 2: The father-in-law

Alternative title: Break and enter.

I have a father-in-law. He’s pretty much like Macgyver, but with normal hair and without the bad acting.

So tonight, we took the mysterious cedar-wood box to his house (and his tools. And his many keys).

CJ and his dad did That Man Thing while the mum-in-law and I oohed and aahed over the various jewellery pieces we already had access to.

Can we be any more stereotypical?

The menfolk had dozens of keys (none the right shape) since the dad-in-law is something of a hoarder (the neatest I’ve ever seen). They also had a variety of lights and tools.

Some time passed. We were all having a marvellous time.

“I can see something red,” said the dad-in-law, squinting through the crack. “And something yellow.”

“Is that. . . easter eggs?” said CJ (on the other side of the box).

More time passed. We began to discuss locksmiths. And then. . .

It opened. Pow! Boom! Shimmy!

Helloooo plastictown! And also, some wood.

Here’s how things probably happened:

My mum and I, a little dazed at the collection when Grandma had just died, sorted it out into “possibly valuable” and “certainly not valuable”. We put them in different places. I amused myself by locking the pretty box. We cunningly put the key somewhere safe, since that’s what you do with keys.

Years passed.

And you know the rest. But “all that doesn’t glitter isn’t not gold”, as they say. Here’s a few features I discovered today:

The first is real sapphires and diamonds (definitely real), the second is a wedding and engagement ring set (so presumably a real diamond), the next is opal, then three purple mysteries, then jade, a yellow mystery, possible emeralds and diamonds (because fake diamonds wouldn’t be that small) and a butterfly ring with three diamonds (I think).

I’ll have everything valued (it’ll take a while) and let you know the truth of these 11 pieces when I know it. For now, they’re all in a friend’s safe (speaking of breaking and entering). When I know how much things are worth, I’ll sell almost everything.

And here’s another pretty thing, from flickr.com:

Published by Felicity Banks Books

I write books (mainly adventure fantasy for kids and young adults), real-time twittertales, and a blog of Daily Awesomeness. @Louise_Curtis_ and http://twittertales.wordpress.com. My fantasy ebook is on sale at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/278981.

8 thoughts on “#186: What’s in the box? Part 2: The father-in-law

  1. Lies!
    I know you really found a fortune in stolen Platinum Bars and this is just a front! A lie! A sham! while you plan your tax-free escape to Argentina and become a Millionaire Catburglar chasing a thrill money can no longer provide.

    1. Ben: “Platinum Bars” sounds delicious. But maybe that response is unique to me.

  2. Cabochon amethysts – the first refers to the round style. Amethysts are semi precious, so not exceptionally valuable in their own right, but they are usually quite beautiful and are meant to enhance your psychic abilities (if you are into that sort of thing).

    Is that a blue enameled bead necklace? Can I see it please? I have a thing about enameled stuff (I dont know why, I just DO!). And make sure you check out whether any of those probably fake pearls aren’t so fake. Your Gran’s era is one that could have a few real seed pearls lurking in the cupboard.

    1. Ann: Of course you can look at the “Easter egg” necklace. I can’t think of any reason why it shouldn’t be yours (the clasp may be broken, I’m not sure).

  3. The jade ring looks pretty! And I like the sapphires on the back left. If you want to give Jane some work, remember she works at a jewellery store.

    1. Thanks W. I don’t think it’ll benefit Jane, but it might benefit me, so thanks!

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