#273: Walk in Water

We’re staying in a John Knight Park childhood for one more day. The wonder of running water never quite runs out. John Knight Park has a wonderful bubbling series of miniature waterfalls leading to the lake. Love!

Next time you’re near water, take off your shoes and get in it. That’s an order.

Published by Felicity Banks Books

I write books (mainly adventure fantasy for kids and young adults), real-time twittertales, and a blog of Daily Awesomeness. @Louise_Curtis_ and http://twittertales.wordpress.com. My fantasy ebook is on sale at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/278981.

11 thoughts on “#273: Walk in Water

  1. Love the hat!

    There should be more hats like this.

    I’m partial to my Akubra personally, though of a more bushman style & wider brim than CJ’s.

  2. That’s the best way to experience Canberra’s lake water – the bit that moves! There’s nothing quite like standing up to your ankles or shins in running water.

  3. My mates and I were there just yesterday! We were posing on the rocks for photos, and a few of us got in the water too. It was awesome 😀 TOTALLY gonna walk up the stream next time I head over there! 😀

      1. Yeah, man! We should totally get a marching band to march up the water…

        And yes, the non-sliminess is cool 😀 I thought it would be too slimy to stand, but I actually didn’t stack it 🙂

      2. Georgia: Maybe when the first year of awesomeness is done, I should do everything again. . . but with a marching band.

  4. It would be more impressive if you were walking ON the water…

    (I support the Marching Band idea, by the way… We’ll need to train the Octopuses to play, of course)

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