Dr Yes: Complete Story

FYI: the program of daily awesomeness begins later today. The next twittertale, “Bridezilla”, begins April 1. DR YES 1. I unclipped Yen’s handcuffs and went down on one knee under the tropical sun of her prison-island home. “My darling, will you marry me?” * “’Kay,” she said. I stood and kissed her tenderly, then ranContinue reading “Dr Yes: Complete Story”

Dr Yes: How to have a free wedding

This post is tangentially related to both “Dr Yes” and the upcoming “Bridezilla” tale (which will happen in April). How to have a free wedding: The important thing to note is that weddings are expensive because of one thing: expectations. Yours, your fiance’s, your Mum’s, his/her Mum’s, the two Dads, your other relatives, and yourContinue reading “Dr Yes: How to have a free wedding”

Dr Yes: Making Every Day Awesome

This blog is going to go through some changes in the next few months. First, I’ll be launching a “proper” author page, with interactive stuff and links to stories and so on (that’ll take a while). Second, I read such a brilliant post here: http://steffmetal.com/101-ways-to-cheer-yourself-up/ that I’ve decided to do every single thing on the listContinue reading “Dr Yes: Making Every Day Awesome”

Dr Yes: Spy Food

I always thought nougat was a food that dropped whole from heaven (neatly wrapped). So imagine my surprise when my calendar (a food one – diabolical indeed) informed me that nougat was made up of ingredients, whipping, and heat. Three things make it worthy of being part of the Jimmy Bind blog. 1. Liquid Glucose. ItContinue reading “Dr Yes: Spy Food”

Dr Yes: Lair

Unfortunately people with real-life lairs generally call them something sensible like, “my house”, “a castle” or, “the president’s top secret military installation”. The only place to find an honest lair is in computer games. But they’re still good and pretty. I found this (and much nerdiness) at http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.beefjack.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/lair-art-big.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.movietome.com/users/punisher619/&usg=__ra0KtPCNE938X7_2e3Br6oOSMuA=&h=764&w=600&sz=297&hl=en&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=19P9q5VbDfCz0M:&tbnh=142&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlair%2B-laird%2B-dragon%2B-computer%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2GGLL_en%26as_st%3Dy%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1

Dr Yes: Personal Flying Machine

This is from http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/0_21_042308_gryphon.jpg&imgrefurl=http://gadgetfreaks.wordpress.com/category/technology/page/2/&usg=__AcxQAWx5m_RSUn0cR2ASsHcdodU=&h=350&w=450&sz=35&hl=en&start=18&itbs=1&tbnid=QfLXPCesz1B_MM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dirish%2Bspy%2Bgadget%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 1- Gryphon Attack Glider Formerly known as The ESG Gryphon Personal Flying Wing this has to be the ultimate in Spy Gear! It has a maximum glide speed of 135 mph and has a heads up display and even onboard oxygen for those high altitude launches. This baby can carry aContinue reading “Dr Yes: Personal Flying Machine”

Dr Yes: Are you a heroic sidekick?

I’ve written a new kind of personality test – whether a person is a hero type or a heroic sidekick. I’m in the beginning stages of designing a much more interactive web site for my stories, and this is part of it. I need test monkeys… and that’s where YOU come in. Please answer theContinue reading “Dr Yes: Are you a heroic sidekick?”

Dr Yes: Real-Life Military Lairs

I’ve talked about lairs before, and today at Steff Metal I discovered a link to a number of stunningly beautiful star-shaped military fortresses. This kind of fortress was invented around the same time as the cannonball, which explains the “why” (even the moats are genuinely useful). Or you could just look at them, and drool. http://weburbanist.com/2010/03/11/starry-knights-14-stellar-star-shaped-fortresses/

Dr Yes: Spy Car from U.N.C.L.E.

I never saw the show this car is from (and it only appeared in a few episodes), but I like to think the girl comes with it. The vehicle had many mock features, including flame throwers, machine guns, rocket lauchers, laser beams, a radar screen, parachute, and various hidden interior devices. It even had operatingContinue reading “Dr Yes: Spy Car from U.N.C.L.E.”