#124: Lord of the Rings marathon

7:30am: Awake and raring to go, an hour and a half before I usually get up (I moved one of my students so I wouldn’t have to interrupt the marathon). Gandalf (fighting fish) is okay, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli (zebra danios) are manic as usual, and Sam and Frodo (neon tetras) seem to be gettingContinue reading “#124: Lord of the Rings marathon”

#123: A whole meal of one colour

This was FUN. Many thanks to http://insert-witty-and-apt-url-here.blogspot.com who gave me the idea by her own list. Guess what colour I chose? The meal is pea and ham soup with green chips (slightly overcooked, I confess), with lemon lime mineral water and zucchini and fetta pancakes for dessert. The only artificial colouring is on the potatoes. AndContinue reading “#123: A whole meal of one colour”

#109: Spend a whole day in a bookshop

Fine. I admit it. I stole this idea from http://wordgardening.blogspot.com. Today I took my insatiable-book-loving partner and myself to Canberra’s biggest bookstore: Borders. We spent many hours there, and stopped for a hot chocolate and a chocolate caramel slice partway through. Before we even left the house, we had decided to buy one book each.Continue reading “#109: Spend a whole day in a bookshop”

#122: Someone else’s tradition (and twitter)

Today’s awesomeness is to dive into someone else’s tradition (especially if it’s food). I tried tsoureki, a traditional Greek bread served at Easter. This is a picture of some with a boiled egg dyed red added: There’s a recipe here: http://greekfood.about.com/od/greekbreadspitas/r/tsoureki.htm The lady who gave me my taste said that it was very difficult toContinue reading “#122: Someone else’s tradition (and twitter)”

#120: Christian Passover Celebration

I found out today that some Jews object to Christians stealing their tradition and celebrating a much-modified “Passover” in the belief that the Messiah has already come. I was always brought up to think of Jews as the closest thing to a physical Jesus here on earth, and it was a huge shock to me when, asContinue reading “#120: Christian Passover Celebration”

S#64: Lego (aka Secret Number 1)

Why was lego kept secret? Because my partner loves it. In the last month, he’s probably mentioned the lego of our future children once a week on average (not that we’re either pregnant or trying to be pregnant). I also know he particularly approves of the stuff that ISN’T a kit – the stuff whereContinue reading “S#64: Lego (aka Secret Number 1)”

#108: Guerilla Gardening

I woke up sore from yesterday’s sewing. Pretty sure that makes me an ATHLETE OF AWESOMENESS. This idea came from another awesomeness enthusiast, http://www.yesandyes.org/ Here’s how to guerilla garden, Louise Style. 1. Grab an enthusiastic bunch of friends. 2. Select a public garden that needs love (the half-dead plant in the pot is my oh-so-generousContinue reading “#108: Guerilla Gardening”

S#98: Embrace Another Culture

PS Part of this article was moved here, where I get paid for it if you click through. I’ll be embracing Japan for twenty-four hours. This is everything I know about Japan so far: 1. Sashimi is yuck and makes me feel sick (which should make S#2: “Sushi” rather interesting) but most anime is very good.Continue reading “S#98: Embrace Another Culture”

S#53: Be a tourist in your own city

Today my partner took a flex day (a paid day off he’s earned by doing overtime – probably the world’s best invention ever) and we and a friend of ours who I’ll call Hannah went and visited the Australian National Botanic Gardens. Instead of dressing as a tourist (as per Steff Metal’s instructions), I dressedContinue reading “S#53: Be a tourist in your own city”

#90: Write a letter to my future self

Yay! It’s time to begin the saga of daily awesomeness. The concept is simple: I do something awesome every day, and blog about it. For a year. My total list is already well over 200, and I’m sure to think of more awesome things along the way (suggestions VERY welcome). I’ll still write twittertale-related things eachContinue reading “#90: Write a letter to my future self”

January 7: Chair Skating

It’s skating. On a chair. Specifically, chair skating is skating on a pair of chairs made of cheap iron (and plywood for the seats), welded onto an iron frame at the bottom. The whole thing is like a sled with two chairs welded onto it (one behind the other). Since the Great Wall, our cameraContinue reading “January 7: Chair Skating”

January 5: Real Life Adventures

Today I walked on the Great Wall with my husband and Bil (my Brother In Law), who lives in Beijing. I should probably mention about now that, on Saturday and (especially) on Sunday, Beijing had the heaviest snowfall it’s had in sixty years (you can read more at http://felicitybloomfield.wordpress.com ). So we caught a trainContinue reading “January 5: Real Life Adventures”